Nate Eaton, Staff Writer
Hey there! My name is Nate Eaton and I’m a senior at Triton High School. Outside of school I live with my family of 5 as well as 4 pets at home. An older brother, older sister, mother, father and my grandmother. I have 3 cats as well as a dog. I work down the street from my house at a restaurant called Lena’s Seafood in Salisbury MA. If I have any extra time, I try spending time with my girlfriend as well as hanging out with my friends. As of right now, I’m not totally sure if I want to be a professional journalist, but I enjoy talking to classmates, interviewing students and staff and to stay on top of news at my school. Writing for the school paper and being a journalist is important because it allows for me to have a voice in the community. It allows for me to share a message with the school to try to make a change towards something or just bring it into the eye of the general public. Plans after high school change for me constantly, but I see myself becoming an engineer of some sort. It would make me happy to be able to do something I enjoy after high school. If you want anything to be covered whether inside or outside of school, let me know and I will be happy to cover it. You can reach me at [email protected]