Andrew Valianti, Staff Writer
Andrew Valianti is a junior at Triton High School who relishes the opportunity to inform the student body about the goings on of the world around them. He has lived in Newbury, MA his entire life and has always been interested in geopolitics. He is also a basketball player (at 6'5 he didn't really have a choice) and is an avid fan of the NBA. He has always loved to travel and hopes to continue checking countries off his list in the future. He hopes to go to college for political science, or something similar in that field, but also wishes to continue his strong connection to writing. He has always loved writing and journalism seemed like a great outlet through which to express it. He believes journalism is extremely important as it is through journalism that the people know what is going on both globally and locally, serving as a sort of fact-checker for the information that finds its way to people's ears. If you need to reach him, you can at his school email, [email protected]