Weekly Weather with Logan

La Nina is very close to full strength, and is supposed to alter weather patterns

 Current Weather status

Current Weather status

Weekly weather With: Logan Hart (and the NOAA)

 This  week´s forecast calls for the following

Sunday 10/1: Sunny and a high of 70 degrees

Monday 10/2: Sunny and a high of 68 degrees

Tuesday 10/3: Partly cloudy and a high of 69 degrees

Wednesday 10/4: Mostly sunny and a high of 74 degrees

Thursday 10/5: Partly cloudy with a high of 75 degrees, showers late in evening

Friday 10/6: Showers all day and a high of 73 degrees

Saturday 10/7: Showers all day and a high of 72 degrees

Sunday 10/8 Sunny with a high of 68 degrees


Tips For Hurricane Preparedness




La nina is coming very soon, and is supposed to be the biggest it’s been in 20 years, along with it will come more rain to the northeast. It’s supposed to strengthen the hurricanes even more than they have been this year. The northeast isn’t 100% safe from a detrimental tropical storm so it’s good to prepare and be safe rather than sorry.


                                               Weekly experiment link:

My first weekly pick for fun weather experiments to do at home.

