The Beach Pizza Battle : Cristy’s or Tripoli
A Review Determining the Best Beach Pizza
Cristy’s and Tripoli’s have been beach pizza rivals at Salisbury Beach for a generation.
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Standing in line the beach breeze fills the air with the fragrance of pizza that makes your mouth water. People stand in long lines for pizza and some will stand in the longest line to receive the pizza that they find to be the better of the two: Cristy’s or Tripolis.
The Triton Voice compared and contrasted the differences and similarities between both of the pizzas. Both pizzas are served with their tomato topping and cheese (other toppings are available). Biting into a Tripoli’s pizza, the mixture of sauce (that has the perfect sweetness) and melted cheese leaves you wanting for more. The main difference between these two pizza places is their sauce; for Tripolis, it is sweet and for Cristy’s, its peppery due to the italian herb flavoring. When first biting into a piece of Cristy’s pizza you could just taste the burnt crust which made the whole pizza have a weird taste, although the cheese was really good, I would have to say that altogether if the pizza were not burnt it would have been better.
Tripoli’s pizza contains a crisp, thin crust layered with a tomato sauce and cheese. The pizza contains no preservatives, and the fresh pizza is found at all five locations. Cristy’s is fond of their Stanislaus tomatoes which they use to make their sauce; however, their sauce doesn’t quite get your taste buds flaring like Tripolis does. Cristy’s is usually once in a couple months thing, like if the Tripolis line is too long and you’re in a rush. Sometimes the sauce that Cristy’s use that mouth watering. Now that I have had both Cristy’s and Tripoli’s, there are some big differences.
The Triton Voice finds that Tripolis is the way to go. The sauce is sweet and the cheese topping combination just dissolves in your mouth and don’t forget about the crispy crust to bite into after breaking through the sauce and cheese toppings. Cristys on the other hand, tends to not have the sweet taste in its sauce that allows for your mouth to water for more. In addition, their crust is sometimes over cooked with a black crisp on the bottom.
The chart down below represents the features of each of the pizza and gave it an marking out of 10.
Smell | 9/10
It smelt really good, it gave me summer vibes, and it made me realize how much I missed the beach because everytime I went to the beach we would get Tripolis |
Smelt good, reminded me of summer and that made really happy |
Taste | 10/10
The pizza was the perfect temperature. The combinations of the dough, sauce, and cheese came together so perfectly it was like heaven |
It was okay, it was burnt, you could taste the flakes at the bottom that were bitter. Overall it was complimented great with the sauce |
Texture | 8/10 | 7/10 |
Appearance | 10/10
It just looked amazing, it was cut into medium size squares, very convenient to eat. Everything looked amazing included the melted cheese |
It looked gross, the cheese on top of the pizza looked really disgusting compared to Tripoli’s. It looked like they didn’t put much effort making it. |
Total: | 37 /40 | 30/40 |
The total scores were really close and Tripoli won by 7 points. Cristy’s lacked some taste, texture, and appearance points. It was a good battle reviewing these pizza’s even though Tripoli’s was clearly the winner in this case. Tripolis meets the perfect beach pizza.

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Curtis Bolduc • Jan 17, 2023 at 8:03 am
See…. the problem is that this rivalry is obviously about the locations both at Salisbury. For me, the Cristy’s that matters is the one at Hampton Beach. Cristy’s pizza IS Hampton Beach. Don’t get me wrong, I love Teipoli pizza, and they do offer other things like canollis (how evil do you have to be to NOT love canollis). But when it comes down to the nostalgia, the thin crispy light crust, everything that goes into a great original pizza… Cristy’s at Hampton Beach takes the win for me. It is just better. Unfortunately the location at Salisbury just doesnt pull it off the same way… and for that reason, the true rivalry shouldn’t be the 2 locations at Salisbury Beach…. clearly Tripoli is the victor of Salisbury. It should be the rivalry of beaches…. Cristy’s at Hampton Beach…. and Tripoli at Salisbury Beach. And my vote goes to Hampton and Cristy’s…. its the better beach and the better pizza…. hands down.
Den. • Jan 25, 2020 at 9:10 pm
Been frequenting Salisbury beach since the late 70,s for “Tripoli Pizza” and by far the best.
goditi la pizza.