Paleo Diet Has Been Trending at Triton

The Paleo Diet Within Triton High School.


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The Paleo diet requires those on it to eat lots of vegetables.

Imagine never enjoying a slice of chocolate cake at a birthday party or never ordering the famous Mac and Cheese from Panera. That’s the life on the Paleo diet, and may or may not be making it’s way into the lives of Triton High Schoolers.

“I’ve tried it with my mom a few times, and it’s literally so hard”, said Triton sophomore Holly Harris.

“It’s just so boring and hard to stick to, especially if you love bread. It definitely made me feel healthy though, I guess.”

The Paleo Diet is based on the types of foods eaten by early humans. Eating “paleo” consists of mainly veggies, fruits, meats, fish, certain fats, nuts, and seeds. It means removing foods such as breads, pastas, rice, beans, soy, dairy, and refined sugar from your diet.

“It’s like the way cavemen used to eat,” said senior John Bradley.

“Seemed kinda manly. I wanted to try it, but saw you can’t eat pizza. Not even, like, healthy pizza.”

Junior Maggie Bowen, who had also tried the diet, had a negative review on the topic.

“You’re hungry all the time, you can’t eat anything you like, it sucks”, said Bowen.

“I tried it for a week because I’ve heard it works. But, you have to get really fancy with your food options, and if you’re lazy like me, you end up eating the same thing every day. I didn’t like it.”

The diet isn’t typically tried out in lifestyle terms. It is usually for temporary diet purposes because of how clean the foods are.

“Last year I tried Paleo out before prom”, said Senior Juliette Lumley.

“I wasn’t that strict on it, I still would have dairy. But my main meals were pretty healthy, and if you find good recipes, they aren’t bad at all”, said Lumley.

For the most part, the Paleo Diet isn’t very popular within Triton, but may be effective for temporary diet purposes.