Winter Guard

An Inside THS Winter Color Guard Team


Phil Jacobs

The Triton Winter Guard performs the feature hold in their 2018 show Hummingbird

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The Triton Winter Guard has won three New England Scholastic Band Association (NESBA) championship titles, and it’s time to find out what goes on at their practices.


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The Triton Voice interviewed members of the team and the instructor to get their perspectives of how a practice is run, as well as what it takes to be a captain. Senior guard captain Madi Butler was interviewed on what qualities are needed to take on this role and what responsibilities come with it.

“I get to make the playlist for the warm-ups, I get people to focus when they goof off, and I get to help with picking for what we do for hair and makeup,” said Butler when asked what her responsibilities as a captain were.

One of the biggest morals in the Triton Winter Guard is to be positive and keep moving forward. Members must always be able to progress and work towards getting better, and of course, a good attitude is expected to come along with it.

“No matter how sad you are or how tired you are, you always have to be ready to work,”

said Butler.

“No matter how bad you don’t want to be at practice, [you] don’t say a thing. You have to suck it up and do your job.”

This was all new to sophomore Sammie Mariniello, who joined the guard this season.

“It was hard to adjust because I was so behind everyone else,” said Mariniello

But, Mariniello said the instructors helped her a lot with the transition, and on top of that, she was already friends with most of the guard, which made it easy to jump in.

Practices are tedious, and run on a tight schedule. The guard practices Tuesdays and Fridays from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, and then on Saturday for a more lengthy practice, which runs from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

“What’s an average practice like? We do our warm-ups, we do across-the-floors, then we normally practice flag, and then sometimes do drill,” said Mariniello.

Warm-ups alone take up nearly half of a practice. They run on average about an hour and a half.

Instructor Liz Butler is in charge of that part. Butler has been the instructor for the Triton guard for six years, and in the years prior, came to help out.

But, that is not nearly all of Butler’s experience.

“I did it in high school and I did an independent winter guard, and then I started teaching right when I got out of high school,” said Butler.

The guard changes every year, and you never know what to expect. This year, they have a few new people and a new show. There is also a different performance concept this year, as members have to act as if they are in a city, which differs from the usual concept, conveying emotions.

To get into the mood of the city, during warm-ups the team has to practice performing as if there was an audience in front of them. It helps with performing with confidence and getting ready for competitions that are soon to come.