Hawkeye Review

Ever since being saved by Hawkeye in 2012, Kate Bishop has idolized him and has been obsessed with archery. In episode one, she finally meets her hero but it’s not in the circumstances she would have hoped. The episode is aptly named “Never Meet Your Heroes.”
After his family was dusted by Thanos, Clint took on the alter ego of The Ronin, a cruel vigilante who killed criminals that survived the blip. This made the Ronin a lot of enemies. When Kate finds and puts on the Ronan suit, she unknowingly also puts a bunch of criminals onto her tail. Clint then finds her after seeing on the news that the Ronan was back. Clint tells his family that he will be home by Christmas but as he is helping Kate to clear her name of the Ronan, Christmas keeps getting closer and closer.
The four episodes that I have seen so far have been entertaining. This is the first time we have seen Hawkeye as the main character so it is nice to get to know him more. The action scenes are pretty well done. There is a scene where Clint and Kate work together to fight off enemies which was particularly fun to watch. The fights are well choreographed and it is cool to see more of the arrows that Clint has in his quiver. Hailee Steinfeld has taken up the role of Kate Bishop in this show and she is doing well. She portrays a likeable character who is eager to learn from Hawkeye.
The plot of the show has been a little bit all over the place, it is definitely still something I would recommend. The two main characters are both easy to empathize with. It is enjoyable to see the relationship between Clint and Kate evolve. We have seen them go from Clint finding her for wearing the Ronin to them fighting together. This show is setting up Clint’s character for some big growth in coping with his time as the Ronin. The action scenes are pretty good; Not amazing compared to some of the other scenes we have seen from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but still good. The show has some fun moments too, such as the Avengers Musical. All in all, this is a solid show, not the best one Marvel has put out so far, but definitely worth a watch. I would rate it 4/5 stars.

Hi, My name is David Pugh, I am currently 16 years old and a junior at Triton High School. In the fall, I play football and in the winter and spring, I...