The Last Ride: Senior Athletes

Seniors last spring sports season at Triton

Courtesy of Bridget Sheehan

Senior Bridget Sheehan, Triton Varsity Softball player, is entering her final season as a Triton athlete.

Senior, Meri Fulford, a tennis player for eight years, is facing the retirement from the game she knows best.

       “I love that it’s a team sport, but also an individual sport at the same time. You really get the team feeling when you play tennis”, said Fulford.

It’s that time of the year, the grass turns greener, flowers are blooming, and spring sports are starting. Triton has a diverse number of sports during the spring season, including tennis, track, baseball, softball, and lacrosse. Within these teams, there are 6 senior student athletes to be recognized. This season is very emotional and important to senior athletes due to it being their last sport season at Triton. The Triton Voice spoke with the senior athletes to learn about their final season.


Fulford explained to the Triton Voice the memories and lessons that were made throughout her career.

“My favorite memory was when I started my junior year season as a captain, and did the role call for the team. It’s a really good feeling”, Fulford said.

“I’ll miss the team more than anything. They have your back no matter what and make the sport fun. Your team helps you remember you want to win, but it’s also fun to play”, said Fulford.


Senior Diego Fernandez running track for roughly eight years, is running track for the last time this spring season.

“I started running track in the summer of 4th grade or 5th grade. My parents wanted my brother and I to be more active, so they signed us up for Coach Colbert’s track and field clinic. I fell in love with the sport and have been doing it ever since” said Fernandez.

Fernandez has made countless memories throughout the years of running track

“My favorite memory was running the 4x100m relay at states during freshman year with my brother. It was my first year on the team and his last year, so it was a really special race for me”, said Fernandez.

“I love the coaching staff here at Triton, and will miss my coaches more than anything else”, said Fernandez.


Senior Shane Rooney has been playing baseball for many years, and he will miss the sport after his last season at Triton this spring.

“I chose to play baseball because when I was younger, I loved the Red Sox, and that made me want to play. I’ve been playing since I was 7 years old”, said Rooney.

“My favorite memory from baseball was when I was on the Phillies with all the boys”, said Rooney.


Senior Bridget Sheehan, has been playing softball since elementary school. She is very passionate about the game and is sad to see it go.

“There isn’t a time I remember not playing it. I just have so much fun playing, and I love the game” said Sheehan.

Sheehan has made many cherishable memories throughout her softball career.

“My favorite memory I would have to say is just last year as a whole. We went 17-2 and a few rounds in to the tournament. It was just a fun season. Winning isn’t everything, but it definitely makes it more fun when you are”, said Sheehan.

“I will definitely miss the girls. Field Hockey, basketball and softball at Triton has given me some of the greatest lessons and brought me to some of the best people I know.”


Senior John D’efumia, has been playing the game of lacrosse for many years.

“I chose lacrosse, and have had a stick in my hand ever since I could walk”, said D’efumia.

“My favorite memory playing lacrosse is playing in the jamboree at Manters Field with Coach Beevers”, said John.

Senior, Ashlyn Smith, a lacrosse player explained her lacrosse career at Triton.

“I’ve played Triton girls lacrosse for all four years of my high school career. I chose this sport because I had prior experience in youth lacrosse, I was familiar with the program, and I loved the girls on my team”, said Smith.

“My favorite memories from lacrosse would be the bonding experiences I shared with all of my teammates. I formed many friendships through this sport and it allowed me to meet and work with lots of great people”, said Smith.

The senior athletes leaving Triton are upset to leave all their memories behind. Through all of the hard work and dedication, to pasta parties and fun bus rides, the  senior athletes will have to face their last season at Triton this spring, and the last memories will be created.

“With my favorite memories, including the bond I shared with my teammates, I believe will miss these interactions the most when I move on from Triton Athletics. Working with a supportive and entertaining group of girls has been one of the best experiences of my high school career”, said Smith.