Are Children in Daycares Receiving Enough Care?
A Deeper Look into whether Daycares are Giving Kids in their Care Full Attention
Siblings, Leia Miller, and Jamison Miller whom attend Kindercare play together on a recent school day.
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As kids of all ages roam around their classroom daycares, playing with their peers, and seeming to have a ball, some parents question if those vulnerable children are receiving the attention and/or care that they truly need to be safe.
“ It all depends on the day but, usually every time I pick up my 7 month old infant he just seems like he doesn’t get enough attention and is just always crying when I pick him up and seems unhappy,” said Gabriela Santamaria, mother of two children in child care.
Some parents may feel as if their children are not cared for enough while being in child care. However, what parents tend to forget is that the one on one ratio is not the same at daycare as it is at home.

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At most child care centers, ratios are formed to ensure that the children are with a proper number of caregivers at all times in order to make sure the children receive their everyday needs. At Kindercare Learning Center for example, the ratios as are followed: for infants and I-Todds (Infant-Toddler), one teacher is allowed to be alone with three children. For toddlers, one teacher is allowed to be alone with four children. Lastly, for preschool through kindergarten children, ten children can be accounted for by one teacher.
“It’s a good daycare with lots of staff. However it isn’t mom and dad attention and so I feel that it is bad for families in general to not have a mom at home taking care of their kids. Babies would get more attention at home, and more cuddle time,” said Ruth Miller, grandmother of children in child care.
Within daycare centers, staff are also reminded by their directors to ensure that they are doing what is best for the children in their care rather than what is best for them. With this, staff are also always required to adapt to the needs of each child and their families as well as what works best for each family enrolled in the center.
“Remember to do whatever it takes to keep things smooth as possible for children and families. We are not doing what is best for us or what we want to do,” said assistant director, Becky Ford in an end of the week recap email sent to all staff within the Kindercare Learning Center staff team.
“We are so grateful to have all of you and know that you will continue to provide the BEST care and education for all of our families,” said Ford in another email to her staff team.
Overall, some controversy grows between whether kids receive enough attention from their caregivers at daycare or if they do not. With this, it is important to keep in mind many things. For example, the staff adapt to the needs of each child and their families, and a lot of training is provided to the staff to ensure the children are safe at all times. Lastly, the main goal of an educator at a daycare facility is to ensure all children are cared for and receive plenty of attention each day that they attend.

My name is Rachel Miller. I am a senior at Triton High School. I enjoy covering articles on relevant news that is occurring in the high school or in our...

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