Scariest Night on the Roads

Drunk driving on New Year’s eve and what can be done to stay safe

Matt Toppi, Staff Writer

New Years Eve is known as a very scary night for driving in around the United States. People go out to parties drink to celebrate. Those who drive home afterwards are putting themselves and other in danger.

The amount of accidents on New year’s eve night is the most of any other night when alcohol is involved according to On any other night an average of 23 people die in accidents involving alcohol and on New Year’s eve an average of 140 individuals die.

The police force is very prominent on New Year’s eve trying to catch those drink drivers before they cause damage to others.

Anyone under the age of 21 is allowed up to a .002 blood alcohol level(BAC) to drive. This can occur with as little as a sip of alcohol. Adults over 21 are allowed up to .008 BAC to drive a car. According to this is the stage where those are slightly impaired. Judgement and self-control are reduced and caution, memory and reason are impaired. People may believe they are functioning better than they actually are during this stage of BAC.

Although New Years Eve has already passed, use these tips for next year or for any other night while out on the town. Choices cannot be taken back just like the lives of others.


Tips for New Year’s eve night:

  • Don’t get into a car with others who have been drinking.
  • Don’t get on the road if you have been drinking.
  • Stay at a friends house if possible.
  • Have a sober family member or friend pick you up if intoxicated.
  • Plan ahead.