Massachusetts Residents Tax Refund

Many residents of Massachusetts will be receiving a check in the mail, giving back the surplus they paid in taxes last year.

photo credits: News Center 5 videographer

News Center 5 explains how residents are getting some of their money back.

Last year the government took a surplus of the taxpayers money from Massachusetts residents and is now returning it back. People are going to get about 18% of what they payed for taxes last year, back, which is about one in every seven dollars. In order to qualify for this tax return you must have paid personal tax in the year of 2021, and recently they have expanded the deadline of the tax return file until September 15, 2023. 

When asked by News Center 5, many people said that this money would go towards college funds, heating and grocery bills, and some even said it would just be paid back to the government again next year. It is said that everyone should have their refund check come in by December 15, 2022.

As for the Triton Community, this will help the students that qualify, pay for any additional expenses that they need or want, or put it back in their saving for future payments like college fees. Overall, this tax refund will help many people who may be a little tight on money right now.