What Happened to Jeffrey Epstein?


Ethan Mosteller

Andrew Valianti gratifyingly holds up a controversial statement during Finance class

It could have been an inside job

— Mr. Richard Fisher

Triton senior and political prodigy, Andrew Valianti is convinced that the death of Jeffrey Epstein was an inside job. 

“The man was on suicide watch, in a high-security prison, under surveillance and being watched by a plethora of guards, and you’re telling me he killed himself?”

Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his Metropolitan prison cell on August 10, 2019. He was deemed to have committed suicide inside of his correctional cell. But now,  speculation has arisen that his death could have been due to homicide, not suicide. 

Epstein was a powerful financier, who had many ties with celebrities, politicians, and royalty. But he was arrested over the summer on accounts of multiple felony charges. He was sent to a federal jail in New York City while he awaited his trial. Epstein was originally placed on suicide watch but “was later removed from suicide watch after being evaluated by a doctoral-level psychologist who determined that a suicide watch was no longer warranted.” according to a letter from the Justice Department on nbcnews.com.

An autopsy was performed on Epstein following his death. According to “Epstein’s Autopsy ‘Points to Homicide,’ Pathologist Hired by Brother Claims” by the New York Times, Epstein had been examined by a private forensic pathologist who claims that Epstein’s injuries “are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation.”  

“Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself,” stated Valianti “It was an elaborate scheme conducted by one of his wealthy friends to silence him before he could snitch.” Valianti has stayed up to date on this controversy and believes the job could have been executed by powerful people who were not on good terms with Epstein. 

With this new information exposed to the public, conspiracy theories have arisen as to what happened to Epstein if he did not commit suicide. Mr. Richard Fisher, a Triton business teacher who also stays up to date on current events explained his view on the conspiracy. 

“It could have been an inside job,” said Fisher. “If two officers ‘fell asleep’, now I’m in.” 

Fisher was referring to the two guards who were in charge of watching Epstein at the time of his death. The two guards have recently been investigated to having fallen asleep on the job. They were both charged with falsifying records, and negligence. On the charge of falsifying records, the two men had lied about their on-duty times while watching Epstein.  

Fisher shared a similar sentiment to Valianti, saying that Epstein was a “very very rich, and very very powerful guy,” while explaining Epstein’s ties with politicians. “He also had very rich and powerful friends.”

Epstein was known to be in a strong business circle with people like President Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Fisher stated that a possible assassination could have occurred due to important and private information Epstein could have known. Also that they did not want their identity or reputation to be tainted.