New Principal Mr. Kelley Has Big Plans for Triton

Mr. Patrick Kelley plans to bring more tangible, real life experiences to the way Triton students learn.

New principal, Mr. Patrick Kelley has always wanted to work with and help students.

 “That just sort of stuck with me, that idea of service and helping others.”  said Kelley. Mr. Kelley has an ambitious vision for our school and wants to progress towards a more modern version of learning where everything students learn should go back to a real life application. 

He has a lot that he wants to achieve in the world of education and wants to create a student that’s prepared for life after Triton.

Mr. Kelley came to Triton due to the appeal of the school and the area. “Triton was one of the areas we targeted.” said Kelley when speaking of him and his wife’s search for a new place to live. Mr. Kelley had always taught and attended smaller schools so a smaller district like Triton, he enjoys the intimacy of Tritons size. 

Prior to making the move to Triton, Kelley taught for eight years at Sharon High School then spent time as the assistant principal at Holliston High School. 

Mr. Kelley has been enjoying his time here at Triton thus far. “So far it’s what I expected.” He’s noticed that the staff enjoys working at the school and is good with the students. He has also enjoyed living in the area. However, he chose to live outside of the district so he could have privacy and do dad things with his children. 

Mr. Kelley plans to progress towards a more modern version of learning that involves tangible, real life experiences. “Everything we do should tie back to some real life application,” said Kelley on his plans. 

Kelley would like to implement more vocational and technical classes into the Triton curriculum, in particular, a culinary class. While working at Holliston, Kelley realized that the number one most requested class was a culinary class and would like to implement it into the curriculum at our school. 

Kelley hopes that when students graduate from Triton they will go on to live the Triton values, help the community and be the ideal vision of a Triton graduate.