Heard in the Halls

Katie MacDonald, Staff Writer

Every day in the halls of Triton Regional High School, students and teachers gather to talk with their friends. If you listen and pay attention to some of the things these kids and teachers say, you might find that what they say is a little odd and pretty funny.

“If you shaved a zebra’s stripes off would it be black or white” ~ Lunch Room

“Anyone else fail that AP bio test?” ~ History Hallway

“The new cribbage club sounds kinda dope” ~Math Hallway

“Mr. Ruggere forgets something new on the announcements everyday” ~ Math Hallway 

“We should convince the school to get a bouncy house so we can distress” ~ English Hallway

“We need to have a peaceful sit-in in the library to get our library back” ~ Gym

Get back here with that office chair! You’re going to roll into a wall!” ~ Science Hallway

“I’m taking a 10-15 minute bathroom break. Ms.Nic is making me fall asleep.” ~ History Hallway