Triton Times a-changin’

THS clocks reset after student complaints


According to Triton’s class schedule school does not officially start until 7:42, how ever a huge chunk of students are being marked late during first period even though it is only 7:39 according to students phones.

Iphones are set regionally. The people who live on the east coast are set to the New York region and so all of the iphones are set to the same time. it may be varied if you have an Android or a a google pixel, but with most of the students at triton having iphones the time tends to be universal.

Three minutes may not seem like a big amount of time when you think of having 24 hours in a day. But those three minutes can matter a great deal when you are trying to get to school on time.

Students are officially allowed into the school at 7:20, that’s when the buses open their doors to let the kids off. That gives kids plenty of time to get their books, maybe talk with friends, and then they are able to get to class on time when the bell rings.

Those kids who don’t take the bus don’t have to get school right at 7:20 they can take their time, as long as they are in class by 7:42.

“I Wake up around 6, then I wake up my brother and my sister,” says senior Kendale Sicard. “I get dressed and have breakfast. After that I Brush my teeth, feed my dog and leave.”

Sicard said that she normally gets to school about 7:25, and doesn’t tend to be late. She said that she is only late if she sleeps through her alarm.

There are some students who don’t go directly to school after they wake up. They pick up breakfast or a coffee on the way.

Other students carpool and rely on other people’s timelines to get to school on time.  

“It happens to me all the time,” said senior Conner Beevers. “I sit in my driveway until 7:25 waiting for my cousin. I live in Salisbury so it makes me late.”

“Me too,” said junior Kelly Sharkey. “So I get picked up by Caitlin and sometimes she comes a tad late so I get to school right when the bell rings and I have to get a pass.”

In a Triton math class 10 out of 10 students have iphones. The time on their phone is three minutes slower than Triton’s clocks. This can lead the problem of kids thinking they have more time than they actually do.

First bell now rings at 7:34 and second bell rings at 7:39. Announcements now start at 7:40, sometimes a little later. Kids are walking in at 7:42, when the second bell should be ringing, according to the school’s class schedule, and they are being marked tardy.

Students at Triton are becoming very frustrated with this time difference between school and their personal clocks.  

While the school expects the kids to be at the school earlier, kids take advantage of all the time in the morning to sleep, shower, eat, and get ready.

Lots of teachers come from New Hampshire and Maine, and some teachers are confused why kids don’t get to school earlier if they know that they are prone to being late.

A solution to this would be to adjust the clocks. The school could keep preventing this debate by adjusting them every weekend.