Triton News Briefs for Feb. 3, 2019

Triton Voice News Briefs

Image by Triton Voice Staff

Triton Voice News Briefs

Russia recently accounced it is pulling out of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty. Russia did this after one day the US declared it will also be pulling out of the agreement unless Moscow complies with terms within 180 days. Vladimir Putin accouned his decision on Saturday, as well as ordering his ministers to not negotiate on any terms. (CNN)

Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous groundhog in the world. In the last couple days Phil predicted the forecast where the groundhog had two choices; one piece of wood containing a scroll to his left, and another piece of wood containing a scroll to his right. The scroll phil picked foretold of an early and beautiful Spring. (usatoday)

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam had to apologize Friday for his appearene in a racially offensive photo in his medical school yearbook page that featured men in blackface and Ku Klux Klan robes. Ralph Northam had to apologize numerous times on live television towards those of color. A couple of main stream Demorats are calling for Ralph’s resignation. (nbcnews)