Comparing Different Brand Juices and Their Health Benefits


Joshua Rolfe, Staff editor

According to, added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when they are processed or prepared. This does not include naturally occurring sugars such as those in milk and fruits. From oranges to pomegranates, you can enjoy any of these sweet fruits in a juice form. But what many people don’t know is the enormous amount of added sugars in our most popular brand juices. And that doesn’t include natural sugars.
Orange Juice~ Florida’s Natural and Simply Orange
Added Sugar Content:
Florida’s Natural Orange Juice- 0g✔️
Simply Orange- 0g ✔️
Vitamin C

Pomegranate Juice~ POM Wonderful and Ocean Spray
Added Sugar Content
POM Wonderful- 0g✔️
Ocean Spray- 16.8g

Cranberry Juice~ Ocean Spray and Great Value
Added Sugar Content
Ocean Spray- 0g✔️
Great Value- 14g
Vitamin A,C, and Calcium

Apple Juice~ Mott’s and Musselman’s
Added Sugar Content
Motts- 28g
Musselman’s- 26g ✔️
Vitamin C

Lemonade~ Minute Maid and Simply Lemonade
Added Sugar Content
Minute Maid- 27g ✔️
Simply Lemonade- 40g
Vitamin C

Calcium: Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly.

Although the juices mentioned at some extent contain added sugar they are filled with vitamins that are essential for a healthy body. Above, shows the benefits of each vitamin you may be charging up on while drinking your favorite juice.
It was found that no matter what brand, orange juice should not contain added sugar. It is rich in vitamin c and will help with the immune system; especially with colds.!page=product&id=5313B8B3-1E11-6006-4AA2-B0649F32A43E


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