Playing Hooky


Students visiting Boston this past Thursday (Wolpert/Groder Photos)

Mitchell Wolpert, Staff Writer

The halls of Triton were very quiet this past Wednesday and Thursday: Members of the senior class were at the beach, in Boston, and everywhere in between.

Despite some confusion as to when it would be, the official senior skip day was changed from Thursday May 3rd to Wednesday May 2nd and students did not hesitate to go out and enjoy the beautiful day.

The students that skipped on Wednesday had a warm and sunny day that many enjoyed by sunning on Salisbury Beach. “It was a beautiful day,” said Amanda Sheehan, “there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.”

Despite the over ninety degree temperatures the water had yet to warm up which gave some seniors quite the shock. “I ran right into the water and feet instantly became numb,” said Kara Hartman.

Many students who had already made plans before the skip day was rescheduled decided to follow through with those plans and skip school on Thursday. “My friends and I went into Boston for the day: We went on the swan boats and then we walked around and shopped on Newbury Street,” said Amanda Manganello.

Emily Tucker, who also spent Thursday in Boston said, “We all had a great time. The weather was beautiful until about quarter of four when it started downpouring.” Tucker also explained how her and her friends took cover from the rain in a nearby cosmetics store before making a run for their car which was over a mile away.

Some students were worried about what their teachers would think of them skipping out on classes for a day. Although this likely wasn’t the case with all teachers, Drama Teacher Sha Riordan said, “They work very hard and I think everyone deserves a break once in a while.”