Homecoming Left on Hold

Erica Lops


Homecoming left on Hold

Upcoming Seniors might not be able to participate in homecoming


    The rumor going around about the Triton class of 2019 is that they are not allowed to participate in homecoming activities as seniors.  Homecoming is everyone’s favorite time of the year once the month of November hits. Students enjoy the week of dress up days, decorating bleachers, coming up with a class skit, and most importantly, getting the most points out of all the grade levels.  It was a rough ride for the junior class during this homecoming last year, when inappropriate behavior was presented in the class skit when a anonymous student “shotgunned” a Mountain Dew soda on stage. Students were also yelling out during the other class’s skits, causing distractions and being disrespectful.

    The Triton Voice, captured a few sources to get down to the bottom of this situation as well as thoughts from, Jasmine Mohit and John Deufemia, students from the current junior class.  Ms. Stacey Beaulieu explained the reasoning as to why homecoming is taken away from the class of 2019. “Your advisors and class officers were told that the class will have to earn it back.  It was not solely the skits inappropriateness that was the issue, it was the blatant disregard to the fact they were told not to do it. At this time you are still a no go for a skit and decorations.  Words and promises will not change my mind. I have not seen much change in the attitudes of the junior class when we gather for events.” states Beaulieu. Beaulieu’s comments on this topic seem somewhat fair to this debate.  Triton’s Assistant Principal Scott Brennan, stated his agreement with the conflict. “I am in full agreement with Ms. Beaulieu. You have a lot of great students in your class and these students must step it up and earn back everything.” says Brennan.

Junior, Jasmine Mohit stated her anger about this problem.  “Homecomings only somewhat interesting when you’re a senior.  That’s not even fair. If we don’t have decorated bleachers, then what’s the point of going to homecoming” exclaims Mohit.  John Deufemia tells his understandings about the conflict. “I mean it would stink but if they feel we can’t then I understand their decision.  I wish there was other alternatives in serving the punishment” says Deufemia.

Most of the junior’s are in complete rage about this situation, especially considering when it was not everyone’s fault.  Beaulieu and Brennan’s statements are very understandable and fair. The only way to earn the right to participate in the homecoming events is for students to clean up their acts and be more respectful and mature, to present that this is taken seriously.