Summer Jobs

Jobs you should consider applying for this summer

Summer Jobs

Caitlyn Chaisson, Staff Writer

Temperatures are rising and the fourth quarter is approaching. This means summer is creeping up on us faster than we think. There are many enjoyable ways to make money this summer. If you are standing up, ringing in groceries all day, you might want to check these cool jobs out.

There are things a student has to consider when applying for summer jobs: Air conditioning, how many hours a week, how many days a week, and how much down time one will have.

The Hungry Traveler in Salisbury is one great way to make some money this summer. The location makes it that much better.

“I buss and I hostess. It’s a great real-world experience that will really help you in the long run,” said Hungry Traveler employee, Savannah Nolan.

After a long shift at the Hungry Traveler you can relax and cool down at Salisbury Beach which is right down the road from the restaurant.

“For me working at the beach is convenient for me because it’s so close to my house and after a long shift I can go grab a smoothie or an açaí bowl from Groundswell,” said another Hungry Traveler employee Lindsey Gardella.

Another restaurant across the street from the Traveler is Marie’s Restaurant. This is a local restaurant known for their amazing breakfast food.

“I buss tables at Marie’s diner. During the summer it’s really busy because people are driving towards the beach so they can just stop and get food, junior Caitlyn Roberge said.

A fun and enjoyable one-time job can involve your favorite sport. Caitlyn Roberge helps teach younger kids field hockey for one week during the summer.

“One week during the summer I work with elementary to middle school aged kids and I help them with field hockey skills. I enjoy this because field hockey is my favorite sport and it’s fun for me,” said Roberge.

Finding a summer job that you enjoy can be very easy if you look at the right places. Consider location, salary, and the atmosphere of a place when looking for a job this summer.