Senior-Week, the last of our High School Peak

By David Durante

David Durante, Senior student writer

The seniors will have a fun-week before the graduation takes place, but after finals week. This week will consist of specific events planned by the senior class advisors and voted on by the students, earlier this year.

The senior week will take place May 25th, until graduation. The plans were made by the senior class officers and senior class advisors. One very important one being our own Mrs. Erin Dempsey. “The 25th will start the week with the Red Sox game, then the 29th we have prom,” said Dempsey. The prom will be at the CruisePort Gloucester that Tuesday night. “The Wednesday after (the 30th), the honors banquet for the top 10% will be held.

“Thursday will be the Elementary School Tours and the class trip to Boston,” said Dempsey. The night before graduation, June 1st, will be the awards ceremony.

Many students may be wondering how essential it is to attend these days but luckily, “Finals for the senior class end on Friday the 25th, there is no school for seniors during senior week,” she stated.

The thing that students should look out for is class dues, “All class dues must be paid to attend any senior activities. Also, class dues must be paid to receive a cap and gown,” Dempsey said. If there are any questions about these dues please feel free to visit Mrs. Dempsey in room H206.

Another very important senior class officer is Hannah Marsh. “Senior week will be an opportunity to end our high school together just as we started.”

Marsh provided more information on the Week for seniors. “Tuesday before prom we will have grand march,” said Marsh. “Also, on the first of June along with the awards ceremony we have the Junior-Senior Breakfast in the library that morning,” she said.

“Probably the most important part of senior week is the ending, graduation, will be held June 2nd here at Triton and those who want to can join their friends at Gradventure, a night of adventure after graduation,” stated Marsh.