Media Fast, February 28, 2018

Paige Zukowski, Staff Writer

When I heard about the Media Fast I didn’t think it was going to be that hard for me because I always accidentally leave my phone at home in the morning before school, so I have to go the day without it, and it usually isn’t that hard for me. I wasn’t completely right. When you are trying to not go on your phone it’s harder, and can also be more tempting. The times I left it at home I knew I didn’t have it, so I didn’t even feel the need to use it, but during the media fast it was different.

I decided to leave my phone in my bad for the media fast, since I had been absent from school for three weeks I wanted to have it near me just in case I needed to write down notes in it or take pictures of any work that I needed. Although, that would be breaking what we were trying to accomplish, I didn’t want to take any chances. I also knew that I could do it anyways, because of the amount of the times I’ve left my phone home from school.

It was harder doing it this way because my phone was in my bag, so I knew I had it. There weren’t many times I felt like I needed to go on it, because I don’t really like using my phone a lot anyways. But I learned that even though I don’t like to go on it as much as I used to, there are still things I always need it for and I realized this during the media fast.

In the morning I never go on my phone while getting ready for school, so that wasn’t a problem, but when I left for school my phone is hooked up to bluetooth in my car, so my music started playing from it, and I always listen to my music when i’m driving so I didn’t turn it off. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal because I wasn’t actually using it, but it still counts and it’s still something I always use my phone for.

In school it wasn’t much of a problem, I didn’t feel the need to go on it to text or snapchat, so that went well. But by the end of school, it became harder not to use my phone at home. I’m usually driving for a little after school, going home or getting food, so my music was playing in my car again. When I got home that day, I had a lot of work to catch up on, and that’s when it stopped for me. I had notes and pictures of work on my phone, and I needed my computer to go on google docs and work on assignments.

It’s really hard having to go a day without any electronics. Even if we think we don’t use our phones a lot, we end up using some sort of electronic device every day. And some people don’t even notice because of how normal it is for us: like listening to music, or watching tv, going on our computers, and so much more. It’s weird to think this is what our generation is like, but it is. Every generation is different and this is ours. It’s sad to see little kids use iPads and phones for games when they’re so young, because that’s how it is now. We’re lucky because electronics and devices started really stepping up and becoming more common a few years ago, but when we were younger it wasn’t like this at all. So we had the opportunity as kids to live without them, and have fun doing things that kids do.

Things will probably change in the future. I think that these companies are going to keep working to upgrade their devices and make even more products that people will want to buy. After realizing how often we use any kinds of devices throughout the day, I hope that even though this is how our generation is, that it doesn’t get any worse because we should be able to go without them for at least a day.