Revisiting a Triton Alumni

Triton Voice gets update on new teacher at Pine Grove


Jonathan Reilly and William Karantonis, Staff Writers

Triton alum and current second grade teacher Jess Reusch at Pine Grove School has been employed for over six months. During the beginning of the school year she was interviewed about her first impressions of teaching. She spoke about how even though getting used to the experience was jarring, she knew that her true passion lies in teaching. Now with over half of the school year completed the Triton Voice revisits Reusch to see where her thoughts lie with the job she holds.


As a former student at Triton Reusch has had experiences working with Adventure Education teacher James Hounam as well as having a good relationship with Assistant Principal Kathryn Dawe. According to Reusch she has learned a lot about what it means to be an adult in recent years.


“A ton has changed from my Triton years,” said Reusch. “That’s something I am certain about. (Laughs) I think it’s funny how when you’re younger you think the problems you have are way bigger than they actually are. Being in a classroom with elementary school kids really made me think about that.”


Reusch also spoke about what it was like for her to be working with her old elementary school teachers.


“It’s still pretty weird going from being a student to working with my teachers,” said Reusch. “I think about it a lot. I can have adult conversations with them and not have to address them using ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’. That’s pretty cool!”


According to the Principal of Pine Grove Christine A. Kneeland Reusch has been a pleasure to have as a part of the teaching staff.


“She’s a very hard-working woman,” said Kneeland. “I really admire her drive to make her students love what they’re being taught. It’s a quality that is valuable to working in a school.”


When asked if teaching her students was easier at this point in the school year, Reusch responded positively.


“I think they’ve warmed up to me by now,” said Reusch. “The kids I teach are very respectful. I’m extremely lucky to have them for my first year. I was worried about dealing with a good amount of troublemakers but I can say that my students are a pleasure to work with.”


According to one of Reusch’s students her classroom experience is a fun and enjoyable one.

“We play a lot of games and we read a lot.” said the student. “I like when we play the games better.”


Reusch spoke about the different teaching methods that she uses in her class.


“I tend to write on the whiteboard a lot,” said Reusch. “I also let the kids play with and look at physical resources like shapes and pictures that I project on the board. I try to keep them as engaged as I can.”


Reusch stated that she wants to give her students the best learning experience as possible.


“I’m in charge of my student’s education,” said Reusch. “I don’t want to let them down by not giving them the best that I can give them. I know that they will deserve so much better.”