Students Decide To Leave School Without Permission

G Period Adventures

Alessandra Basile, Bella Kreticos

(A car pulling out during G Period)

We got a runner! Students here at Triton High School have been leaving school early during G period to get out of classes and study. In response Triton Voice went outside on two different days, one day with Mr. Brennan, and one day without him, to count how many kids actually leave the school premise. In this investigation we found out some secret hiding spots, and who Brennan’s spies are. Keep your head up, and eyes open for Mr. Brennan who is on the lookout for students cutting class.  

Many students want the rules to change about leaving school. As some may know, students once were allowed to leave during their studies, but that has changed due to Massachusetts law. According to, “No later than the 1997 – 1998 school year, all schools shall ensure that every secondary school student is scheduled to receive a minimum of 990 hours per school year of structured learning time, as defined in 603 CMR 27.02. Time which a student spends at school breakfast and lunch, passing between classes, in homeroom, at recess, in non-directed study periods, receiving school services, and participating in optional school programs shall not count toward meeting the minimum structured learning time requirement for that student”, Due to the requirement of students being in school for 990 hours, the policy, about leaving school had to be put to a stop. You may wonder why other schools let their students leave, well if you want a change you have to go through a long process. The process consists of going to student council, then the principal, then the school board, and so on. If you do decide to leave the school without permission the school is still held responsible for anything that happens to you. Your parents may decide to sue the school if you get in an accident, which is why Mr. Brennan is adamant about students not leaving.

The Triton Voice sat outside hidden on Monday, January, 22, to count how many kids would leave G, which was last period. A total of 31 kids left the school property. There was no evidence whether these kids were dismissed, or skipping, but most were in groups which is a clue that there was no permission for them to leave. The Triton Voice also went outside with Mr. Brennan Thursday, February, 1, to see how many kids actually had passes to leave. There were only four kids who came outside, and only one had a pass. We only stayed outside for 20 minutes this day, and were not hidden.

The Triton Voice, interviewed some kids who have admitted to leaving, and some who have never left school. One statement said, “I can admit to leaving school a few times, considering I have study last period. I left because I had no homework left, and I wanted to go home. It shouldn’t be a problem for kids to leave if they have study last. Students were allowed to before, and there’s no reason it should’ve stopped.  Another anonymous stsudent said, “This is the first year I have had study last period, so it hasn’t come to my mind to leave. I also don’t have a car, so I wouldn’t be able to leave even if I wanted to. I don’t see any point in leaving because it’s time you can do your homework and get things done.” Here is another anonymous quote from a student who has changed for the better. “At the beginning of the year I would leave school occasionally to go home and sleep during my study. Now looking back I didn’t use my time I had to study to my advantage. I no longer leave since there in no point when I can be getting my work done. My grades since then have improved.”

The Triton Voice also wanted a teacher’s perspective about students leaving during study. Mrs. Jennifer Scott said, “I do not think students should be leaving without permission from the school or their parents. This is unsafe, although maybe the students can get a policy to allow them to leave during study halls.”

The Triton Voice, asked about the consequences of trying for leaving school without permission. “The first two times a student gets caught leaving I usually won’t do much. If they admit to what they have done without trying to lie I will tell them to get back to class and make sure of it. If this student continuously leaves school there will be consequences. Parents will be contacted, and detention will be given”, says Brennan.

Staying in school is the safe way to go and will keep you from trouble. Even Mr. Brennan has admitted to cutting class, but he wants to allow students to get a good education, and stay safe. Thirty one kids is a large number of kids to leave for just one period. Till further changes in the policy the smart way to go is to stay in school.