Christmas Classrooms

Students show positive emotions towards holiday decorated classrooms

Many students feel more untroubled around the holiday season when teachers decorate their classrooms for the holidays. Decorated classrooms makes students at Triton feel more cheerful.

“It really gets me into the Christmas spirit and it makes me happy,” said student Maddie Fecteau.

The Triton Voice spoke to guidance counselor, Ms. Kenyon, and got her input as to why some teachers like to decorate their classrooms around the holiday seasons.

“I just like making people feel comfortable when they come into the office. The holiday time has been big for me growing up, so I like sharing with people,” said Kenyon.

Triton students Lindsey Gardella and Savannah Nolan also enjoy the Christmas spirit around the school.

“I like when teachers decorate their classrooms for Christmas because it gets everyone in the mood and looks pretty too,” said Gardella. Agreeing with Gardella, Nolan said, “If you walk into a room and there’s Christmas lights or some sign of Christmas it makes you happy because it’s a reminder of break coming soon and that the holiday season doesn’t just have to be celebrated outside of school.”

But why do students feel this way? According to The Huffington Posts article, in a world full of stress and anxiety people like to associate to things that make them happy and Christmas decorations evoke those strong feelings of the childhood. They also state that, the holiday season stirs up a sense of nostalgia. Nostalgia helps link people to their personal past and it helps people understand their identity. For many putting up Christmas decorations early is a way for them to reconnect with their childhoods.