President Trump’s Tax Change Plan

How Triton students would be affected by these tax change

Paige Zukowski, Staff Writer

President Trump has been working towards changing and lowering our taxes. Ever since he became president, it’s been one of his goals he hopes to accomplish.


If the taxes were changed, many people including students at Triton would be affected by it in many different ways.


People who work, know that when you get paid from your job you can end up losing a lot of money from taxes. There are a lot of students who have jobs who also lose money from taxes, so Triton Voice asked students how they feel about the tax changes and how it would affect them.


Junior Justina Donoghue says, “I would be happy if the taxes changed because I lose a lot of money from taxes when I get paid and if they went down, I wouldn’t lose as much money from them, and my checks would be raised.”


Many of the students that work also lose a lot of money from the taxes, and if they did change they would be earning a lot more money.


Junior Meri Fullford explains, “Over the summer I was a lifeguard at a country club pool, and would lose over $100 sometimes in taxes, if the taxes were to change I would be receiving a lot more money on my paycheck, and so would a lot of other teenagers who work.”


Many students have jobs and work hard to make their own money. The taxes being as high as they ar, have affected some students by the amount of money they end up losing in taxes, when they get paid. The results of the tax bill changing can easily change that for students here at Triton.


There are a lot of different categories in the tax bill, and many different components that have taxes on them depending on what they are.


Trump wants to raise the Child Tax credit, which is a credit given to taxpayers for each dependent child who is under the age of 17 at the end of the tax year.  


He wants to double the current tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child under the age of 17, so parents can receive up to $1,400 as a refund.


If this passes, then people can claim $2,000 for their children instead of $1,000, which will help families, especially ones who don’t have as much money because it’s a deduction of $2,000 on your taxes.  


Taxes being changed would end up helping a lot of families, especially ones who struggle because of some of the taxes we have now.


The Child Tax Credit, would especially help the families with more children who need to provide for them all.


Family friend Stacey Johnson, Salisbury resident, and mom of four kids, gives her opinion on the Child Tax Credit. “I hope this bill passes,  because I agree with the changes that Trump hopes to make and being a mom of four kids, the Child Tax Credit will have a positive outcome on many families struggling to pay child care and provide enough for their kids as they grow up.”


President TRump’s plan to change the tax bill does have potential and would most likely help a lot of people and families with their money situation, and after speaking to the student, Triton Voice has realized how greatly the students here at Triton would also be affected by the tax change in their own way, depending on weather or not they work.