Q and A with Ms. Christian

Ms. Christian driving her boat

Ms. Christian driving her boat

Luke Groder, Staff Writer

During high school, especially senior year, you may find yourself in the guidance suite seeking help about school and college. You talk to the people there all the time, but do you really know them? Triton Voice had a sit down interview with Ms. Christian, one of the guidance counselors to get to know them better.

Where did you grow up?

“I grew up in a town called Willimantic, Connecticut, which is a small town, near UConn. A lot of people know where that is.”

Where did you go to college and what was it like?

“I went to Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut. It allowed me to play four years of basketball and provided good opportunities for my major, which was psychology.”

What led you to working at Triton? What were you doing before? What attracted you to work here?

“I worked for two years in a residential facility, which is for kids who cannot live with their families. The kids were going to an alternative school and started working with the guidance counselor there, and I realized that what that woman was doing there was something that I wanted to do.”

What is one of the biggest changes you have seen in Triton students from when you started to now?

I think the biggest one is that kids today seem to be more into their electronics than into interacting with others. Sadly, I have seen a decline in school spirit–given that there are so many other distractions and things to do, attending school events no longer has the same appeal.”

What are some fun facts about yourself?

“A fun fact is that I have been at Triton so long, my former students are now my colleagues. The following alum were my students: Ms. Cornell, Mr. Colby, Mr. Ciccone, Mr. Dow and Mrs. Davis (who I also coached in softball). The following were not my students but I was here when they were students: Mrs. Bibeau, Ms. Richards and Mr. McAdams (who’s in the middle school).

What do you like to do in your freetime?

“I enjoy being at home. I am a homebody. I like watching sports. I also enjoy being out on my boat or my ATV, but my favorite toy is my jet ski.”