Teacher of the week: Richard Dube


Morgan Dexter, Staff Writer

Mr. Richard Dube has worked at Triton for the past 17  years. He first started out subbing and came to Triton to sub for someone’s maternity leave and she never came back. The job basically landed in Dube’s lap.

Triton is the only school he has worked at since he got his degree to be a teacher. He attended Colby College to get his undergrad and Babson College for his Masters.

Before becoming a teacher, Dube entered the business world for 18 years. Dube teaches Math, computer programing, and economics. He enjoys teaching economics because it brings back a little of the business world for him. Dube realized he wanted to teach after coaching golf.

The one thing Dube does not like about teaching is grading. Although he does not like grading, he says it helps to see where the problem is.

“I like the “ahaha” moments once they get it”, said Dube. Dube enjoys seeing his students after they have graduated or even outside of school.

“Mr. Colby was a former student of mine,” said Dube. Dube has worked at Triton long enough for former students to become his co-workers.