Amazon Expansion


Shannon Lanphear, Staff Writer

Amazon is becoming a larger and more popular shopping area, more people are taking advantage of it because it is quick, easy and cheaper than most stores. They have a wide range of everything you could need with a price much lower than you may find in stores. According to, an app has been created to make it easier for buyers to shop and get what they need just within the reach of their cell phones through Amazon.

After asking some Triton students, 30 out of 37 said they think this expansion is a great idea. These students say it could not do any harm by making it easier for customers to get what they need without having to go out and get it. It will make customers lives easier, quicker and help people save money.

Those who did not think this was a good idea argued that making Amazon even easier than it is, will just make things worse. It is going to take over a lot of stores and malls and more people will be shopping the easier, cheaper way than having to go into a store and pay a more expensive price.

This expansion will also take away a lot of jobs and leave people unemployed who work in retail because actually going out to get the things you need is becoming less and less the route people decide to take when they have the alternative of ordering from their bed.

This act will cause malls and other stores to become less popular and maybe even fail, which is not necessarily what everyone wants. While ordering things from your house is great and easy, a mall day can be needed and being able to try things on and go home with them can be better than having to wait for them to be delivered. Mall days are some people’s favorite, being able to spend the day out with your friends, have lunch and shop is more eventful and fun for some people than online shopping, and those people live for those days and those experiences.