Triton Halloween Tradition

Julia Plummer, Staff Writer

Halloween is Tuesday, and every year it is a tradition for seniors to dress up for school on Halloween for “Senior Dress up Day”. Here is what you could expect to see on Tuesday from our seniors.


“Me and my friends are going to be aliens,” said Jill O’neill.


“Me and Amelia are being FBI agents, we just need a prisoner,” said senior Jantina Nyugen


“I’m doing the Mighty Ducks with some other kids on the hockey team. We’re planning on wearing rollerblades,” said senior Kyle McKendry.


“A group of us are doing the Wizard of Oz. I’m being the scarecrow,” said Alex Kennedy.


“I’m being Hannah Montana, and my friend is being Miley,” said Erika Siemasko.


“I’m being a fruit with a group of people,” said Taylor Penniman


Those are just a few of the creative costumes we’ll see on Tuesday. Happy Halloween.