Climate change shouldn’t be a political issue and needs to be addressed by everyone. The climate issue has been divided by alarmists and deniers, with Alarmists typically being left-leaning and deniers right-leaning. Despite the undeniable changes to the environment, The left and the right spend more time trying to prove and disprove climate change and pointing fingers. There is an undeniable change in our climate due to our utilization of many natural resources for energy, transportation, production, industry, and so forth. We must put aside our egos and work together to protect our environment, as doing so benefits the people on both sides, whether they see it or not.
The right sees actions and regulations to protect the environment as attacks on their freedom. Those on the left have the right idea, but they utilize an “all or nothing” mentality, and don’t look that far into their proposed “solutions”. For example: electric cars. There has been a huge industry push for going all-electric, with the belief that we will reduce carbon emissions that are polluting our atmosphere. Many on the right say that this is a threat to their freedom of transportation. What many on the left don’t realize is that the environmental damage that goes into mining for the raw materials used for batteries, and the fossil fuels used to power electrical stations that charge the vehicles don’t make much of a difference compared to the environmental damage coming from just driving gasoline-powered cars.
The issue here is that more effort has been devoted to debating whether or not we should do something about the climate, instead of worrying about who will benefit more from the changes that should be made. The belief that climate change is a hoax is more popular for those on the right, they believe there is a hidden motive behind any changes to the way we live our lives. Those on the left are more likely to blindly follow and believe anything that is advertised to be good for the environment (such as EVs) even though the majority of these solutions don’t make a difference. There needs to be an effort from all people dedicated to researching patterns in our climate, where we go wrong with industrialization, and come to the realization that we will need to make compromises on a larger scale in order to protect our planet. I’d say the biggest cause of pollution is from large industrial operations all over the world: factory cities, large-scale mining operations, trash burning, and fossil fuel power plants.
Some may argue (mostly on the right) that the climate question IS inherently political because it theoretically restricts personal freedoms, such as taking away the ability to drive what cars you want, the fear of utilizing nuclear energy, and even the lack of profit for the United States from ditching the utilization of fossil fuels.
If we work together, compromise, and recognize the benefits for humanity as a whole if we go about the climate question properly, there will be little restriction of freedom.