Climate change is a hot topic for many people; it is generally viewed as a political topic and avoided. But the climate crisis can no longer be ignored. The average American has a yearly 16-ton carbon footprint while worldwide the average is four tons of CO2 per person a year. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not,”-Doctor Seuss.
Climate change began in the 1850s when humans started burning fossil fuels. This started the heat-trapping effects of greenhouse gases, and as humanity continued to advance the amount of greenhouse gases produced continued to rise. Worldwide, human activity releases about 70 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere daily.
Because of this increased volume of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, the global temperature is predicted to rise by two to six degrees Celsius by the next century according to the Environmental Health and Safety Office in the article: A Cooling Period is Overdue: Is man-made CO2 slowing its onset? This temperature increase is a drastic change to our climate and is already showing effects. According to The United Nations, 2024 was the hottest year on record, breaking all previous temperature records in 2024 to become the hottest year on record | UN News. This increased heat led to many forest fires such as the ones in Massachusetts that burned over four thousand acres and caused an orange apocalyptic smoke-filled sky. The polar ice caps will continue to melt and the oceans will rise and flood coastal areas. England could be underwater in the next 100 years, and many other coastal regions, such as Plum Island, will be completely submerged. We don’t want a real-life Atlantis on our hands so something must be done to reduce climate change.
There are simple ways to reduce our carbon footprints and if everyone does them the effects of global warming can be halted until human civilization can go green. Turning the lights off when not using, or turning off your car instead of idling and not wasting food or water. Electric cars are the next big step in reducing carbon emissions and even getting a hybrid vehicle goes a long way in reducing your carbon emissions. Carpooling or taking public transportation reduces the number of vehicles that produce CO2. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) recommends making your home properly insulated to reduce the amount of energy spent on heating and cooling, Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, Using electric lawn mowers and leaf blowers, Only planting native plants, and switching to renewable energy sources such as solar panels.
Many species are at risk of extinction due to these activities. Deforestation for lumber removes food and shelter for animals as well as the active trees capturing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into our atmosphere. The oceans absorb carbon dioxide and this carbon dioxide causes the oceans to become more acidic and currently this ocean acidification is causing the demise of entire ecosystems such as the California Kelp Forest.
However, some people say we are leaving an ice age, so global warming is natural. Some conspiracies claim climate change isn’t real. Many people don’t make an effort to reduce their carbon footprint because they feel like the little change they make doesn’t help.
While it is true that the Earth is leaving an ice age and experiencing a warm interglacial period, the warming of the Earth through greenhouse gases and the destruction of habitats that act as carbon sinks are causing the globe to warm at an entirely unnatural pace. Every little bit of effort against climate change will eventually pay off. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I want everyone to be aware of their impact on the world so they can hopefully save our planet. It is the only one we have.