Top 3 School Apps

What apps are most helpful to students?


Erin Drew

Although many teachers may think that phones are a distraction to students in school, there are good things that can come out of having your phone in school.

Apps such as Google Docs, Remind, and Google Slides are things that can help students on a day-to- day basis.

Many assignments are done through Google Docs and there are not always computers available to students during the school day. It really helps to have the app right on your phone and be able to access it

“Having google docs is helpful because throughout the school day I have free time sometimes and I like to get my work done, said junior Gabrielle Lowry. Having Google Docs on my phone gives me access to get some things done and sometimes teachers have you use google docs in class so it is helpful to use your phone.”

Lowry also said she uses Google Docs pretty often, at least once a day because most of the work now is online.

The Remind app is one that people may not be so familiar with. It is a really good way for teachers to remind students of due dates, tests and quizzes.

In Remind, the students in the class are added to a group through the app or online and the students get helpful messages from your teacher. Students can also message the teacher if they have any questions about something from class.

“I like using the app because I tend to forget about certain assignments with all my classes so getting the notification is helpful” says Gardella.

Gardella thinks that more teachers should start using the app because it helps a lot with remembering what to do and having the answer keys to study guides sent to us helps her understand her work and make sure she’s doing it right.

Google Slides is another app that can be beneficial to students. It is not as commonly used on phones as the other two apps but it is definitely just as important.

Most of the time when a project is assigned, it involves students making a PowerPoint. Google Slides is usually the go-to app for this.

A lot like google docs, students can access it on a computer but why wait around for an opportunity to use a computer in school when students can have their presentation right at the tip of their fingers to work on.

“if you need to access information or a project it is always ready and available for you to use,”said junior, Josie Smith

Some students may not have a computer at home but they most likely do have a phone so having the Google Slides app will allow them to work on projects at home also.

All three of these apps are very important to students here at Triton. If students want their school work to be a little bit easier for them, they should download these apps. Students on their phones in school isn’t always a bad thing.

Picture 1 and 2: Senior Emily Wood using the google docs app in class.


Picture 3: Senior Shannon Lanphear using the remind app.