In 2001 Triton Regional High School was renovated. The middle school was added, and the high school gym was added as well. We as a school have greatly benefited from this renovation that was done 23 years ago. Still, there are always complications and challenges that need to be dealt with when renovating any building.
Both students and teachers had to deal with the difficult environment of this renovation. “I don’t remember the specific impacts, but as with any reno project, you get a bit displaced and manage the best you can” Said Head Of Physical Education Donna Anderson. During renovations like these, students’ learning environment can be disrupted. Adding a whole new gym and middle school is not quiet, but “Students like the staff…Rolled with it” – Anderson.
This renovation changed the layout of Triton a lot. Triton’s current big gym was a new addition, the current middle school gym was the high school gym, and the current band room area for both high school and middle school was the middle school gym and served as a dance studio. The renovations gave Triton more space and a bigger school. If Triton never got the renovation the whole school would be set back and way smaller.
Luckily during the middle school renovations, no staff or students had to be moved from their designated learning areas since the whole renovation was an add-on and not a renovation of the original middle school. Before the renovation, the school’s central office and entrance were where the art hallway is now. “They had to rip down a whole part of the wall for a doorway to get in.” said Middle school principal Mr. Macrae, “it was completed in phases so we could get into different parts of the building.” – Macrae. The renovation added the whole seventh-grade section; the upstairs downstairs and basement levels as well as the middle school office, nurse, and entrance. “It looked very different from today” stated Macrae, “There used to be orange lockers.” It’s weird to think that our school looked so different, if we had taken a time machine back then, we probably wouldn’t have recognized it.
Roughly around the same time as the middle school renovation, Triton switched from having 7th-12th and having a junior high to having what we have today, a middle school for 7th and 8th and a High School of 9th-12th. Another difference was that instead of a whole staff for the middle school, the assistant principal would take charge as the principal for the junior high.
This renovation gave this school many opportunities, more space means more students. The renovation of the gym also allowed for more kids to be part of physical activities since there was more room. Since the renovation Triton’s entrance has improved too, the creative architecture of the middle school entrance gives Triton entrance an appealing look. Triton’s past was much different from what we see today as back then being a much smaller school with a much different look.