Triton Through the Generation

A look into Alumnus Experiences of Triton compared to Now

(Photo Cred, 1993 Triton yearbook)


From Triton’s first opening in September 1972, many changes have occurred including advancements in technology, an apparent decrease in school spirit, and the overarching changes in school environment. 

These were among the discoveries from talking to parents about school, a common topic at the dinner table. For Triton alumni, they get to hear about all the changes that have happened. From the building itself, to the classes being taught inside of it, Triton Regional High School has changed all around since it first opened. 

Looking throughout the high school a person  can see much of Triton’s history, for instance the timeline in the arts hallway, showing pictures and dates of the school’s creation and various renovations. Along with this, many students have parents, siblings or relatives that are Triton Alumni who  have been able to see these changes as they happened. 

“The school could definitely use some work structurally speaking. The whole science department has leaking roofs, and the pipes are exposed…overall it’s just an icky environment,” said Junior, Savannah Colbert.

Many problems that Triton has now, didn’t even exist when the last generation went here. 

“We had pay phones in certain areas around the school,” said Triton Alumni Michael Price. Cellular weren’t popular in the 2000’s so they had to find other alternatives to communicating with each other throughout the day. “Notes were passed throughout the day and left in your locker to be found,” said Price.

Now, kids are on their phones all day long and wouldn’t know what to do without one.

Lunch. A very controversial topic at Triton High School. Mr. Price personally enjoyed most of the available lunch options. The lunch system is very similar to how it is now. Mr. Price said, “I always liked school lunches. There was a hot line and a cold line. The cold line was just a plain salad. Our open study had snacks including a super gooey undercooked chocolate chip cookie that was a big hit.” 

Similarly to Price, Lisa Porter, Triton Alumni also enjoyed the school lunch, “I really enjoyed the salad bar that the school offered. A lot of people went there to get lunch,” said Porter. 

Colbert had said that the school could use some reconstructing, but it wasn’t always like that. “I don’t remember many bad things about the school but it was renovated a few years after I graduated. The track was in pretty rough shape,” said Mr Price. “There was no turf back then.”

Overall, Triton has changed over the years and high school now is a lot different then when our parents went here. 

As the vaping problem seems to be an ongoing problem here at Triton, it was never like this back in the 1990’s. Mr. Price said, “There was an actual smoking lounge outside the cafeteria but you had to be 18 to use it.” There was no such thing as a “vape” in their days, so cigarettes were the main problem, but according to Mr. Price, it was never concerning to the school. 

While Triton will be forever changing, the students and staff that are in the building make Triton, Triton. No one’s experience is going to be the same. What will Triton look like in twenty years?