Is the Hype Real? DrunkElephant trends due to Tik Tok ¨Preppy Girls¨?

This picture was taken from DrunkElephants website depicting some of their most popular items
Drunk elephant skincare is a trend that is in full swing, but is this product really worth the price?
The skincare brand launched back in 2013, in Houston, Texas, and was created by Tiffany Masterson. The brand is being dubbed a “clean skincare brand,¨ according to the company’s website. More recently this brand has gained popularity on the social media app TikTok as self-tanning and skin care has become the main focus point for self care influencers. Masteron, with help from a chemist, began to develop this brand that consisted of a small line of nontoxic skincare in 2012. In this first process of creating a product, one of the first creations that made it to the shelves was called hydrating marula oil. According to on the home page, ¨Our Virgin Marula Oil is like rehab for your skin. Rich in critical antioxidants and omegas 6 and 9, Marula nourishes and balances while restoring a youthful glow and remains in its purest form.¨ This product sells on the shelves for a staggering $68, along with many other products. While this one product may be pricey it gave Masterson the name for the brand since it is rumored that when elephants eat marula tree fruit they can get drunk, hence the name Drunk Elephant.
Katie Skafidas a junior from Amesbury High School that takes a lot of pride in her skincare and doesn’t use the skincare brand, üThey are mid. I think it’s definitely over hyped and their products aren’t that good… it makes me break out and get greasy, yet I think the price is pretty normal for skincare.¨
Just like Skafidas many others are extremely involved with their skincare as well. Most of this skin brand’s hype has recently come from the new ¨preppy trend¨ on TikTok where it is the biggest thing to look and act like you have old money. As part of this trend, DrunkElephant is another brand that has been dragged into the spotlight.
¨I own quite a few of their products like the polypeptide cream ($68), Bronzing drops ($38), along with many other products and I really love how the products work great and do exactly what the descriptions say that they do,¨ said Chloe Feltch a freshmen from Winnacunnet High School who has been using DrunkElephant for a while.
While Feltch, along with many people online, seem to truly love Drunk Elephant products, some from Triton don’t really see the hype.
¨I don’t own any DrunkElephant products, I think this is mainly because of the price alone, it’s a lot to spend on skincare, said Alanna Sparks a Junior who has a skincare routine.¨
The hype around DrunkElephant follows the trend from just a few years ago when it was ¨vsco girls.¨ These lifestyle trends appear to start with middle schoolers who are very impressionable and want to be cool, which creates these trends for brands each year. This ¨preppy girl¨ trend today has brought in big brands like Lululemon, Aerie, DrunkElephant, and many more, creating this web of trends.
It appears that after some research it can be concluded that the ¨preppy girl¨ trend is more of a social media trend than anything else and is not seen that much here at Triton.

Hey! My name is Molly Porter- Crean. Currently I am a Junior at Triton High School. Within school I am a part of Student Council, Community Service, and...