Artists in the making



Photo courtesy DIY candy

Triton offers many creative art programs such as metalsmithing, ceramics, photography, and many more to choose from. These classes are an important part of many students’ lives, especially those who desire to take an art career path. 

Jordan Treseler, a senior at Triton High School, says her goal is to become a fashion designer.

“I look forward to art every day and even if my mind changes when I’m older I still  want to attempt to pursue some form of art,” said Treseler. 

While many people think that pursuing a career as an artist will be either difficult or impossible, these art colleges prepare students for the future whether or not they decide to continue art. 

Many people believe that getting a job in the art field is either unrealistic or extremely difficult, but that is not the case at all. Due to Covid 19 and how it affected high school students, colleges are requiring a lower GPA in order for students to be accepted. Art college is a wonderful option for students who desire to have a job as an artist no matter the medium. Massachusetts College of Art and Design offers nearly every form of art including metalsmithing, ceramics, animation, fashion design, glass working, film/video, and more. They also have a 70% acceptance rate. 

Many artists have their own personal home studio, and start off doing it on their own while having a side job. Ms. Miller, an art teacher at Triton High, has a studio of her own at her house where she makes her own art, and also teaches multiple classes including art and metalsmithing. 

There are many career options one could choose that correlate with art. Triton helps to get students experienced in the art field by providing many options for teenagers who like art but aren’t quite sure what they are good at. They are provided with the flexibility to try out different mediums and find which they like best.

One student who wished to remain anonymous said, “I’m in three separate art classes because I didn’t know which I would like best, and it helped me figure out what I wanted to do, now I know I want to be a tattoo artist” 

While art careers are not easy, there are many ways people can have the opportunity to chase the job they want. Art college may be a great starting point, or even just starting with an at home studio and selling your art pieces to get your name out there. Either way, there are many great opportunities for budding artists to acquire experience and continue their passion later in life.