A Tale of Two Chairs

Mrs Herzel recently procured some chairs from a controversial source, a court case resulted.

The room is full of suspense, and silence that speaks volumes, as a paper is handed to the judge and people lean out of their seats. 

“The jury rules in favor of the defendant,” cheers break out as Mrs. Lisa Herzl gets to keep her chairs.

History teacher and defendant Mrs. Herzl recently brought in a pair of chairs that caused some concern regarding their procurement. Herzl said the chairs, being considered trash by Herzl’s neighbors, were fine and would have a good second life in her classroom.  Principal Patrick Kelley soon found out about the history of the chairs via an unknown student. As such, Kelley ordered the removal of the chairs without trial or due process. Herzel said this was in gross violation of her rights, and as such, the chairs were taken to court. 

As the trial itself was rather emotional, many staff and students shared their own thoughts on the verdict, including Patrick Kelley, Triton High Principal, and plaintiff.

“I think the trial was conducted as well as could have been given the timing and limitations in a school,” said Mr. Kelley, who has also not changed his stance on the chair. However, he is willing to change if the chairs are steam-cleaned and evidence that the chairs are clean is shown. 

“I think the jury was decided before the trial began,” said senior Sam Lind, who was a participant on the side of the plaintiff in the trial. Lind also says that his team suffered losses in questioning, failing to take the opportunity. 

Herzl, the defendant, had her own thoughts on the trial. Herzl said, “… the challenge of the trial was that it was kind of a silly issue, and not actually based on a law so that made it a bit more difficult for the students to frame the argument and build the case.” 

Herzl also said she wishes she could’ve had more realistic processes, like jury selection and what is deemed as evidence. Herzl has not changed her stance on the chairs