One Lunch At Triton

Students should have more options at lunch

” Triton needs more food, like a buffet” said Ethan Mosteller

Should students have a better lunch?

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For years students have only had the daily lunch options with a few extra choices which have grown through the years. But our teachers have a very different lunch. The teachers at Triton have many more different options for lunch that go from a salad to something like soup? Students should get lunches like these as well.

The students have complained immensely about not having enough food, and in many conversations have brought up being ok with paying more for a greater portion of food. 

The Staff rarely complains about having a bad lunch or how much it costs for how little amount of food they get for lunch. This could be because they bring their own lunch or they just don’t feel the need to complain about it.

On an average Monday, lunch is one slice of pizza and milk that will run you, two dollars and 50 cents. Also on the side, there are small waters for an extra 60 cents and large water that goes for one dollar. Seven out of ten students believe water should be free with lunch so the students can stay hydrated, I completely agree with that. We as students need to stay healthy and hydrated.

Some people might say that because the staff works for the school they should have the benefit of having various options at lunch.

As that is true, you also have to take into consideration how the students will learn with an empty stomach. Studies shown by the society of Neuroscience proves that having too much-saturated fats shortens the memory of students. Also, studies shown by Public School Review, states that not eating enough will affect the brain but causing the person to become drowsy and tired which causes them to lose focus often. Students should be given more options for food and bigger serving size at lunch.

Chen, Grace. “How Diet and Nutrition Impact a Child’s Learning Ability.” Public School Review, 20 June 2008,