Teachers Gain Professional Status

Ouellette photo

Mr. Horsely teaching his Marine Biology class on a recent day at Triton (Ouellette photo)

Students rarely think about all the steps new teachers go through in order to be able to teach. Usually, most public school teachers will earn professional status after teaching for three years straight. 

Professional status is when a teacher from a school teaches for three years straight without any issues in their teaching contract. Many teachers around Triton have gotten the opportunity to earn professional status  This year, some well-known teachers at Triton received professional status. 

Interviewing a well known Spanish teacher, Ms. Olivia Cornell, provided information on how earning professional status is a relief. Cornell loves teaching her students foreign languages each and every year. However, the pressure can be harsh for a teacher in many cases.

“There is a bit of pressure, I guess because your contract runs out or they might not want to renew your contract.” says Cornell, “So there is some pressure. So you just kind of try your best, just like every day, nothing really has changed.” 

Given professional status for a teacher can be an honor. It takes time and patience to achieve that goal. Teachers sometimes don’t get the opportunity to have professional status. Teachers at Triton is given a mentor from the school to help them teach.

Mr. Thomas Horsely, a marine biology teacher provided information more about his mentor when he first got to Triton. His mentor was Mr. Bradford Smith, a biology teacher in Triton.

“It’s quite a long process, I observed his class for the first half of the year, and I would gradually interact with students, and help students 1 on 1. Then I eventually took over and was teaching all of his classes while he was observing, and he provided feedback for me.” 

Horsely had a good experience with his mentor. He was able to receive critiques from his mentor Smith, and improve his teaching. Now, three years later, Horsely is very grateful for at Triton. He feels more supported by his co-workers and his students. Horsely explains about the first day he went into Triton.

“Some random students clearly saw I was confused and disoriented and they said, ‘hey, where do you need to be?’ I said, ‘some guy named Mr. Smith,’ that student dragged me down to Mr. Smith and said, ‘here you go.’ It was just some kind person, so from my very first interaction with a student at Triton.” Ever since his first day of working at Triton, he’s been treated nicely from others.