September Horoscopes

What’s in your future?

Mitchell Wolpert, Staff Writer

Aries: (March 21 – April 19)

This month will be a tough one for you. You are feeling as if you’re not as sharp mentally as you used to be. Your workload will be much harder to handle this month, however it will pass in the coming months.


Taurus: (April 20 – May 20)

This month you are feeling confident and free. Towards the end of the month you will have a lot of hard work on your plate. Use your innate creativity to help you through it, and you’ll surely soar.


Gemini: (May 21 – June 20)

You’re feeling emotionally conflicted this month and it has caused you to lose track of your goals. Focus hard on your goals, and you’ll be able to achieve everything you’ve wished for.


Cancer: (June 21 – July 22)

Use your emotions to guide you this month, as it is a very hectic time for you. Following your heart in decision-making will make you much happier and greatly reduce much of your stress.


Leo: (July 23 – August 22)

You are putting a lot of energy into your work this month and it is making you question if the payoff is worth all the energy. Your hard work will pay off in the end, but make sure to take some time to rest to avoid burning out.


Virgo: (August 23 – September 22)

The beginning of the month proved to be extremely difficult for you emotionally. As the month goes on, things will get progressively better, and you may even find some love in your future.


Libra: (September 23 – October 22)

You’ll meet some new friends this month that will play a very important role in the months to come. As new friends come in, some old friends may have to go. Any friends who are holding you back from your true potential are not friends at all.


Scorpio: (October 23 – November 21)

This should be a relaxed month for you. Get out and have fun with your friends and everything else will fall into place. Don’t worry if some of your relationships seem to be fading away. Some relationships are just meant to end, and although you may not realize it now it is for the best.


Sagittarius: (November 22 – December 21)

Much is changing for you this month, and much will change in the months to come. Take this time to reflect on all that has changed, but do not try to stop it from happening. Towards the end of the month, you’ll feel the urge to help a friend in need. Helping this friend will bring the both of you great happiness and fulfillment.


Capricorn: (December 22 – January 19)

You will be feeling inspired intellectually this month. Take that inspiration and run with it, and you will achieve great things. But remember, without hard work even the simplest of tasks is impossible.


Aquarius: (January 20 – February 18)

This month will be one of great clarity for you. The answers to some of your most pressing questions will soon be answered. Make sure to keep an eye out!


Pisces: (February 19 – March 20)

You may feel misunderstood this month. Some of the things you say may be off putting to others, but you aren’t sure why. Confide in your friends for these answers as they will be honest and inform you of your errors.

Works Consulted

“Zodiac Signs and Astrology Signs Meanings and Characteristics.” Astrology Zodiac Signs, Sept. 2017, Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.