Scenic Triton
Beautiful locations for you and the dog!
Triton’s three towns – Salisbury, Newbury, and Rowley – each have unique characteristics familiar to everyone at Triton. The Triton Voice wanted to find some of the most beautiful locations in each town.
When one thinks of Salisbury, they think of the beach, but could there be more to the Salisbury Beach area than meets the eye? During the summer, many residents opt to visit Salisbury Beach Reservation, rather than the beach center itself. This location costs 14 dollars to park at for Massachusetts residents, and twenty dollars for non-residents according to
When you arrive at Salisbury Beach and you drive to the end of the reservation, you will see a playground. Park in the lot next to it, and then walk to the river. From there all you have to do is follow the wall along the river inland until you see a large red triangle, locally known as the toothpick. Walk just beyond the toothpick, and an oasis is revealed.
This spot has a beautiful view of the Merrimack R
iver, as well as some marsh streams. At high tide, there is a glistening pool of calm brackish water which is perfect for swimming.
Jeff Cross, a resident at Salisbury Beach and Triton Senior spoke to us about this spot.
“I love that place! I never really knew about it until last summer when my friends and I decided to walk back there. It really is such a unique and unknown place to swim.”

Moving to the next town in the Triton District, Old Town Hill in Newbury is well known location with a beautiful view. Parking is located on Newman Road, and is free for anyone wishing to visit. Old Town Hill has network of nature trails which weave throughout the woods of Newbury. When you first enter the trails, there is a hill to the left. This is the hill visited by The Triton Voice. Sitting atop this hill, you can see a vast landscape of marsh in front of you, and a wide open sky above you. This location is perfect for picnics during the warm weather and cool summer nights. From this hill, a perfect view of the sunset can be found. Old Town Hill is a beautiful location, but be sure to remember your bug-spray!

Lastly, we have Rowley. It may not seem like much is there, but when you look a little closer, you’ll find one of the prettiest wildlife sanctuaries around. Off of Patmos road, near Route 1A, you will eventually come to a small dirt turnoff classed “Rough Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary”. It may not seem like much at first, but if you take the few mile trip, you’ll find a beautiful opening near a salt marsh. It is the perfect place to watch birds, or take in a scenic view. The colors are vibrant, and it is one of the most calming places to take a seat and take in the beautiful scenery.

Hi, I'm Ethan Tougas. I'm a 17 year old senior and I enjoy covering stories which inform the student body about various educational and recreational...

Hi! My name is Amanda Bowman. I am a senior at Triton High School and live in Salisbury, Massachusetts. During my free time, I enjoy travelling, spending...