Triton Bans Dunks Food Items

Having too many tardy kids led to the restriction of Dunkin Donuts in THS.

Junior Kaia Cohen takes a sip of her last school-day-coffee.

Junior Kaia Cohen takes a sip of her last school-day-coffee.

As of the 2018-19 school year, Triton’s office secretaries have noticed a drastic increase in the number of students being tardy each day. There’s one theme for each of the students strolling in after 7:42 : they all have “Dunkin Donuts” drinks or food with them.

“Too many students are tardy on a day-to-day basis, and everytime they come in late, they have these fancy drinks with them. I’ve had enough of it,” explained Principal Kathryn Dawe.

Many students do not know that there is already a rule in place declaring that students must not leave first period with any drinks from a fast food restaurant. If  any students are seen coming in late with a coffee in hand, they must attend Saturday school.

Considering how many students carry around coffees during the school day, it did not come as a surprise to Triton Voice when hearing the harsh backlash the student body gave.

“To be honest, I am considering switching schools because of this,” says junior Emily Howe, “I mean, it is ridiculous! I cannot believe they would actually do this. What about all of the kids who rely on their morning coffee to get through the day?”

Students will not be too thrilled to hear that their principal is not the only staff member who is backing up this sudden ban.

Custodian Steve Orme weighed in saying, “Not only are kids late every day because of this, but they spill them all of the time! I am tired of mopping up their split caramel swirls. I swear some of these kids cry more over spilt coffee than their failing grades.”