Triton’s Triumphant Trophies
Almost 70 years later, Triton is finally getting a new trophy case.
The future home of Triton’s new future case is along the corridor near the T’s
March 5, 2019
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Hosting over 70 awards from sports such as Wrestling, Football, and Softball, Triton’s trophy case represents the decades of success that Triton’s athletics has worked so vigilantly to achieve.
Unfortunately, as of the date this was written, Triton’s Trophy case is located in what is arguably the least visited part of school, locked behind a glass wall, hidden even further back, hardly viewable due to the old treadmills to its front. Students, staff, parents, and alumni barely have the opportunity to appreciate the vast array of Triton’s athletic successes.
Starting a little more than a year ago, planning began, initially looking for some donors to help fund a new trophy case. Soon after, designs and locations were established. Between the two sets of pillars at the T’s is where the new cases will be constructed. That’s right, two…
Triton Voice Staff Writer, Jeremy Duford, investigated the usage and future of the trophy case. Duford sought out coaches, students, administrators, and even some alumni to prepare the story. He discovered that a trophy case is in fact on the way due to the planning from Triton’s athletic director and the student council, as well as generous donations from Triton’s community.
Triton’s long history of athletic success has been pushed by the phrase, “Triton Pride,” since its origin, but where can the pride be seen?
“Where…? Probably not? We have a trophy case?” said junior Jack Crocker, who like many other Tritonians, has no idea where Triton’s trophy case is, or even that we have one.
“We have a trophy case? ” said coach Mr.Galante.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen it [the trophy case] once. I had no idea we have one.” said senior John Bradley.
Since Triton’s construction, the trophy case has been in the same place, according to Athletic Director Sean McInnis. Though it might seem that the trophy case has been neglected and fallen out of the community’s consciousness, this is only because that section of the school has been utilized less and less throughout the years. Where the treadmills and bikes are, in front of the trophy case, was once a class, and before that, the case could easily be seen and was well represented and updated. Triton hasn’t been neglecting the case, it has just shifted its educational priorities, which unintentionally affect the prominence of the trophy case.
In more recent times, Triton has been struggling financially. This makes it harder for the school to make purchases unless grants or donations come in. Thankfully, McInnis, has been working on obtaining donations needed to finally bring change.
“The one we have now is in a spot where nobody can see it, and everybody thinks we’re a bunch of bums, but they don’t know we have trophies,” said senior Jon Rolfe.
Some students, like Jon Rolfe, think that the lack of a trophy case makes other schools question Triton’s athletic ability. Our complete lack of representation for the trophies can make it seem as if Triton has never had success.
“All I want for it is to be put in a better spot,” said Rolfe.
A popular opinion for the worst characteristic of the trophy case is its location. Lack of quality aside, most interviewees were frustrated that the case resides where nobody can see it.
“I wish they would move it to somewhere like the T’s or even better, the main entrance,” said junior Connor Kohan. “I feel like the trophy case could bring Triton together as a community too.”
Having a spot where the student body could appreciate its successes would create a closer community, some said. Instead of only being told once about a win over the intercom, or maybe seeing in the newspaper that the swimming team won CALS, the student body could be reminded every day that the Vikings are winners.
Mr.Dube, Triton Coach, has an interesting idea. Instead of getting an entire new trophy case, a small case could be used that holds ”meaningful trophies, like state championships,” instead of all the trophies. This could tackle the problem of needing more funds for a trophy case, but wouldn’t represent all of Triton’s Athletics.
Now, Triton’s trophy case is officially on its way. McInnis said one of his earliest goals for Triton once he was working here was to get a new trophy case. He sees the potential it has to improve Triton and bring us closer together as a community.
“Sometimes when you get a trophy case its too small, you can only put in the recent ones. We want to make sure we have the right ones out there.” Said McInnis. “We want to do a nice job where it’s nice and big and students can see it, displaying not only the past trophies, but also the most recent trophies.”
The final steps are being planned now. A Triton parent has willingly taken the task of construction out of Triton’s hands and has generously donated lumber as well. Other Triton alumni have also been generously donating to the project since its conception. The last thing needed is funding for both the cases glass, which is estimated to cost $6,000. Hopefully, Triton’s trophy case will begin construction before the end of the school year.
Jayne Murray • Mar 7, 2019 at 5:28 pm
The original location of thetrophycase was very visible. It was in the main foyer, but was removed when the bank and student run store was built. Seems to me that it needs to returned to that area.