Teacher to Teacher


Advice From the Teachers of THS, Past & New

by: Anthony Ostrander & Abbie Magee



 Ask anyone who’s ever taught a class and they’ll say that the first two days can be  stressful and intimidating.

There is a classroom, full of students expecting to be confident and in control having never taught a class before. This is extremely daunting.

The Triton Voice talked to several experienced teachers in the school district and asked them about how they felt when they first started teaching and what advice they had for new teachers as they begin this school year.

        “I was absolutely nervous and I was thrilled, but that first year was one of the roughest things I’ve ever went through.” said Janet O’Leary, a history teacher.

Teachers who have been through the system say it seems that the general word of advice is that it’s going to be tough at times but no matter what the key is to not take it too seriously,

“Don’t take yourself or your content too seriously. Kids have six classes a day, sports, and extracurriculars and a family to go home to after that. If a kids not giving you 100%, you can’t take that personally” said math teacher, Mr.Sheehan.

Other teachers followed this general idea of doing the best that you can and not being too hard on yourself. “Do not be too hard on yourself. At the end of the day it’s our job to educate kids as best we can”, said Janet O’Leary.

Some teachers will say to learn just as much as they teach so new teachers coming in have a lot to learn. Thankfully Triton offers a mentor program where new teachers are assigned an experienced teacher that they can go to for advice and guidance.

“Mr.Smith was my mentor when I first started he was a lot of help I was happy to be here” said Mr. Tim Jepson, a science teacher. This program has proven to be extremely effective in helping new teachers get acclimated to their new environment here at Triton said O’Leary.

       The mentor program is helping new teachers at Triton in many ways. This program helps teachers adapt to the school and opens the eyes of teachers who have trouble in certain areas and also helps them feel more welcome and comfortable with the atmosphere. Since being introduced the program has been very well received and has improved the environment in the school for both the teachers and the students.