Drug testing in school
March 21, 2018
Would you pass a random drug test right now?
Drug testing students should be prohibited at any high school or college.
Students being forced to be drug tested is taking the comfort of school away from students. Athletic students and students who do extracurricular activities are the target for the drug test. They want to drug test them because the school spends money on sports and other activities for students to do them after school and feel they have the right too.
Drug testing students might cause students to not want to seek help from school because they’re scared they’ll get in trouble if they have a drug problem.
James Acton, A 12 year old from Vernonia,Oregon wanted to join his school football team. His school required all student athletes to take a drug test before joining the team and during the sport season. James is parents refused to allow their child to take a mandatory drug test because the was no suspicion of their son doing drugs. The school suspended James from playing any sports for the whole season because he refused the drug test. The Acton family brought it to court and tried to sue the school district because they believed the school was violating his Fourth Amendment rights.
The courts decided it was not violating the Fourth Amendment because all student athletes give up some kind of privacy while playing a sport for there school. Every student surrenders some sort of privacy just by going to school. The school had rules that all students need to follow but there are stricter rules for student athletes and more of your privacy is taken away from those students. Drug testing should not be allowed in schools because athletes should not be the only students being drug tested.
Schools should not drug test students because school should a place where kids feel safe and have people they can talk to when they need it. If a school was drug testing students and there was a consequence to having a positive drug test, students are not going to ask for help. They will try to figure out away to hide the fact that they did or are doing drugs. Drug testing athletes should not be allowed because if a student does have a drug problem and sports is a big distraction from doing drugs then the school should not want to take that from their students.
If students went to school on drugs it would be a big distraction to other students and make the school look bad. The schools are only drug testing athletes, they will not be able to control the students who do drugs but don’t play sports. Drug testing the athletes make it so some of the kids do not do drugs but if they expect to be drug tested and care about a sport enough there not going to do drugs to mess it all up so there’s no point in drug testing the athletes. Students should feel safe at school and be able to talk to anyone if they feel otherwise. Drug testing should not be a concerned to a school because it doesn’t help students in any way if there only checking a small portion of the schools uruin.