A Movie Review

Austin Mooney, Staff Writer

“It” is a great movie about a clown running around town terrorizing children. The movie falls under the horror category with an R rating. It was originally a 1986 horror novel by American author Stephen King who is well known for his intensely terrifying books and gory movies.

The movie follows a group of kids who explore the town of Derry. Bill, one of the main characters, looks for missing kids starting with his brother Georgie, who is the first victim. “Oh, yes…they float, Georgie…they float…and when you’re down here with me…YOU’LL FLOAT TOO!”- IT

Unfortunately, the group of kids stumble upon Pennywise the Dancing Clown (It)  which  has abilities like not being noticed by adults, shapeshifting, and manifesting as nightmares. After the kids are scared that they might die from a shapeshifting, child eating clown, they split up in fear, and hope that the clown will not pursue them. It is not until later on in the movie that the kids team up again to take on the clown after a friend in the group named Beverly goes missing.

The main idea the movie gets across is to face your fears. Pennywise the Clown feeds off of children because they have more fear and chose not to attack adults bec, but the main group of kids face their fears and stand up to the clown. In the ending scenes, the shapeshifting clown attempts to shapeshift into the different children’s fears but each kid stands up to their fear. For Beverly, it took the form of her abusive dad and for Bill, it was facing the fact that his brother was dead.