Nationals Bound

Triton Cheer Gets a Bid to Nationals

Julia Plummer, Staff Writer

Starting this season with a new coach, Triton’s cheerleading team was worried about how its fall season was going to go, but it turned out to be very successful.

The team started off their competition season with second and first place at invitationals, and then moved on to regionals after CAls, and states after regionals.
“During awards at states we heard we got fifth place, and we were pretty disappointed. We didn’t even know we had gotten the bid until the next day when we got a message from our coach. We were all so excited,” said junior Caitlyn Chaisson.
There are different locations where the National competition is held each year, and our cheerleaders will be heading to Dallas, Texas, in late January. But, going to Nationals is definitely a process. There’s paperwork, fundraising, and, of course, making sure the team and its routine is prepared to compete.
“The trip to Dallas is going to be super expensive. The cost comes around to about $1000 for each cheerleader, so as a team we’re trying to fundraise as much as possible in order to get the cost down,” said captain and senior Carly Macdonald.
The team has started a Go Fund Me page and is also trying to plan other types of fundraising.
There are also things that the A.D. has to do to help the team get to where it wants to go.
“My job as the athletic director is to help the coach through the process of planning the trip,” said Mr. McInnis. “I make sure that she’s following protocol and making sure what she’s asking can be done by me and the school administrators,” he said.
The team also has to make sure its routine is what the judges are looking for, when it comes to scoring.
“We have to cut our music a little bit, and make our cheer a little longer,” said junior Maddie Fecteau. “We also have to do a one day camp with the NCA staff. I’m not really sure what we’ll be doing but that’s also extra cost that we need to fundraise for,” she said.
The cheerleaders will be heading to Dallas January 26, and will be competing that following Saturday and Sunday, against many teams from many different states.