Homecoming Traditions

With homecoming coming up, students talk about their favorite traditions

Julia Plummer, Staff Writer

Homecoming at Triton includes many dress up days, a homecoming dance, a hypnotist, a powder puff game, a volleyball tournament, penny wars, a can drive, and of course a half-day filled with competition between classes.

Triton Voice asked students what their favorite part of homecoming is.

“The half day when we have the games is my favorite. It’s fun to cheer on your class and especially watch everyone play crab soccer,” said senior Jaynee Colberg.

“The dance is my favorite,” said sophomore Chloe Chaimovich. “I love getting dressed up with my friends.”

“I like the tug of war because I’m strong,” said senior Sean Hirtle

“My favorite is definitely pajama day because I love being able to wear my pajamas to school,” said junior Maddie Fecteau.

“I really like the hypnotist, it’s funny to watch people do weird stuff without them even knowing it or remembering it,” said senior Josh Rolfe.

This year class officers added more dress up days. We now have, White Out Wednesday, Fancy Friday, and USA Day on Monday.