Fast Food culture around the world has been decreasing over the decades, especially in America. there are so many different easily accessible fast food restaurants wherever you are, and over the past 20 years, they have become a little too accessible. Fast food is supposed to be something you earn or a comfort food, and not something that you go out and buy every day and live off of.
Fast food has been a staple food around the world. always there for you at your convenience and when you want it all you have to do is a short drive to your nearest McDonald’s or Wendy’s. Most Americans who Over eat fast food are often overweight and that in the long term can catch up and cause developing issues with your body. Junior Matt Molica had this to say about fast food. “I think that we need more regulations on what is used to make fast food in America. Like in Europe, where certain food additives that are commonly added to processed food in the states are very illegal over there.”
Fast food has been a big part of our childhood and adult lives. It’s always a good snack to fall back on if you’re hungry or just don’t want to make any food. At the end of the day, there end up being more downsides to fast food than upsides. for a large double quarter pounder meal for the price of 12 dollars opposed to being able to buy 3 pounds of boneless chicken breast that you can eat for dinner for a week straight. Quote from Junior William Hight ” I think people get addicted to fast food pretty easily and it isn’t helping with the obesity epidemic.”.
Fast food consumption on a daily and weekly basis is most likely more than you would think. 36.6% of people eat fast food daily, and 65% of Americans eat fast food a week which is higher than any other country. Something that the FDA does is make sure that the fast food provided to the customers is clean and sanitary and not made with any toxic chemicals or bad meat.”The FDA’s emphasis on food safety does not stop with the food itself. During preparation, the food may come into contact with surfaces that had previously been in contact with contaminated items.” Workers must prevent cross-contamination in the unprepared food. All fast-food restaurants are required to pass an inspection and make sure that the food is safe for mass consumption.